Name and Course
Sarah Smith, BA Accounting and Financial Management
Do you have any
I have really enjoyed dabbling in baking and cooking but I mostly love eating
the results. My favourite meal to cook is breakfast and I like to attempt make
a fancy breakfast for my family and long suffering boyfriend at the weekends
when I go home but sadly they turn out more Wetherspoon like than Michelin star
so I will hold off the application to Masterchef for now.
secret hobby (I can’t believe I admitting to this) is washing and ironing. I
find it really therapeutic and I can be known to go a bit over the top with
detergent, whiteners, brighteners and I even have beautiful smelling orange and
pomegranate ironing water. I do realize the amount of enjoyment I get out of
this is a little odd, and I am definitely a middle aged woman in a 21 year olds
What is life like on
the admin side of the exec team?
I love being a part of the administrative side of Enactus,
although I miss being a part of a project I really enjoy my role as Finance
Director and I wouldn’t have any other job.
Now you’re on the
blog, anyone you want to give a shout out to?
would like to give a shout out to my Granny because she will love the fact I
have been interviewed on a blog on the Internet! Although she will probably ask
why I didn’t brush my hair for the photo and tell me I need to eat more
vegetables as I am looking a bit “peaky” - good advice which I should probably
take onboard.
You have a few
shadows for your role. What kind of person are you looking for to take over
your role next year?
am looking for someone who is passionate about Enactus; particularly about what
we do for our beneficiaries. Oh and someone who can crack a few
finance/accountancy jokes because they are the best.
Favourite drink?
favourite drink in the world is tea, I am a believer that a cup of tea can make
you feel 100 times better - particularly when your mum makes it. However, I
will openly confess that I am a complete and utter tea snob and I have been
known to bring my own tea bags to Enactus Evening (I am a twinning’s girl). I
am also a bit partial to the odd tipple of wine but who isn’t?
What is the largest
amount of money you ever held in your hand (or dropped on the floor)?
fantastic Intern team made over £1,000 but it was mostly in coins and when I
went to pick it up and it dropped all over the floor…
What are you most looking forward
to at the moment?
the moment, I am really looking forward to the Enactus National Competition and
being able to see what other teams have achieved this year and to show everyone
what we have achieved too. I loved competition last year, it was a fantastic
experience and I am very lucky to get the opportunity to be able to attend
again so I am looking forward to making the most of that!