Wednesday 13 May 2015

Final Enactus Evening!!

The time has come, for the final Enactus Wednesday of 2014-2015. An evening full of handover meetings, name labels and a thin cloud of nostalgia. 

So what better time to debut our leaver's video, then now?

We have put together a few videos to show our appreciation - we can't wait to hear about all your great accomplishments in the future!!

First up, our fantastic Project Members who continue to higher our standards with every meeting:

Leavers from the Executive Team: (L-R) Bethan Rimmington (legend), Nora Alturki (me!, they got my good side, no?),  Mat Davies (11/10), Elmo (caramel god).

Of course we have also put together as little something for the leavers on the Executive Team, I won't elaborate any further,  otherwise it will get real emotional:

Our MD's <3 : Rosa Tarling and Caroline Turner

 And last but not least,  we bid our farewells to the Legendary Caroline Turner. Over her three years at Enactus Sheffield she has not only revolutionised the portfolio but an entire cohort of students at the University of Sheffield. We love you, Caroline. <3

Thank you all so much for all the hard work and dedication that you have put in. It has been an amazing year - we have accomplished so much as a team and we could not have been prouder!

Enactus Sheffield Awards Evening 2015